Jobs, Jobs, JOBS!!!

Uncategorized Aug 31, 2023

Today we will get the new jobless claims and continuing claims numbers, and Friday we will get the BLS Jobs Report for the month of August. The initial jobless claims and continuing claims number are always important, but they will serve to lay the foundation of the BLS Jobs Report that can really m...

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The Truth? They can’t handle the truth!

Uncategorized Aug 24, 2023

Borrowing from an epic line, the new revisions to the BLS Jobs numbers from April 2022 to March 2023 show an overstatement of jobs by more than 300,000 jobs! Reminds me of another classic line, “You had just ONE job to do…” Well, the year-old numbers they shared are already almost six months old. So...

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Help Generate Opportunities #3

Uncategorized Aug 17, 2023

The last of the strategies we can employ for the end of summer 2023 when working with our Realtor referral partners to help generate new listing and buy side opportunities is the “back to school rule!” Back to school impacts families in many ways, but one of the biggest is the functionality of their...

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Help Generate Opportunities #2

Uncategorized Aug 10, 2023

Have you ever noticed how some people just go through the motions of completing tasks just to get them “done” instead of thinking about how to maximize the outcome for the expenditure of a little more effort? What if you could share a few simple steps, that don’t take much time or cost much money, a...

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The three big questions for your Realtors®

Uncategorized Aug 03, 2023

The significance of asking the right questions cannot be undervalued.  But how do you ask these three big questions if you don’t know what they are? Well, let me help you with those:

  1. “Are you more focused on getting your next listing, or your next qualified borrower?”
  2. “What are the activities as
  3. ...
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Could this be the end?

Uncategorized Jul 27, 2023

Could the rise in interest rates be over? The FED raised rates another 25bps and the markets are thinking this could be it. The next meeting is in September, so we will have a bunch of new data for the FED to digest before that meeting. We start that news with the ECB rate info, Jobless Claims, GDP ...

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The Pain can be Real!

Uncategorized Jul 20, 2023

With mortgage applications off by more than 20% year over year, many are feeling the pain. Many had thought that we were going to see a much stronger mortgage bond market by now and rates would have been slowly heading into the 5% range. I was one of those people. I still believe that rates will hea...

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Bonds begin their recovery!

Uncategorized Jul 13, 2023

After a good CPI number and a solid 10-year treasury auction, we saw a nice 75bp improvement in the UMBS 30YR 5.5% coupon, which followed up a 19bp gain on Tuesday. Today we have the PPI number and jobless claims, so we might see some more good news and another good day for bonds.

Despite all the g...

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Powerful Holiday Weekend Activity!

Uncategorized Jul 06, 2023

Amazing how working a plan seems to work! The long holiday weekend was a wealth of opportunity for those that were out and committed to the plan. New contracts keep flowing in and a wave of updated preapprovals and new preapprovals seemed to just keep coming. The only “dry spot” seemed to be in Ariz...

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Long Holiday Weekend!

Uncategorized Jun 29, 2023

Here we are, sitting on the cusp of a LONG holiday weekend. With July 4th on Tuesday, many are going to make the weekend more like a week! If you are planning to go away and be gone/unplugged for this weekend, please be safe and enjoy yourself. If you are planning on remaining connected and are look...

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