No more transitory inflation!

Uncategorized Dec 02, 2021

Last April, the Federal Reserve addressed inflation fears with the word “transitory”. The conversation was directed to the markets to believe that current inflation pressures were not severe, and in fact, would dissipate as people went back to work and the supply chain corrected itself. Many in the ...

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Happy Thanksgiving 2019!

Uncategorized Nov 24, 2021

Thanksgiving is the time of year to reflect and be grateful for all that we have. I want to wish all of you a very happy and healthy Thanksgiving and the enjoyment with family and friends. I am always reminded that regardless of your situation, there is always something to be thankful for and acknow...

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What if the MBA is correct?

Uncategorized Nov 18, 2021


The MBA has estimated that mortgage purchase volume will grow by about 9%, to $1.73T. That is $1,730,000,000,000! While that is certainly a positive piece of information, it follows up with the statement that total business volume will fall significantly due to a more than 60% drop in refinance b...

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Remember to thank a Veteran!

Uncategorized Nov 11, 2021

It should happen everyday that we thank a veteran for their service and acknowledge if not for those sacrifices, we wouldn’t have the liberty and freedom we enjoy without paying much attention to it. To all the veterans, and their families that support them; THANK YOU!

In other news, inflation data...

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The Final Push

Uncategorized Nov 04, 2021

It’s the first week of November and we are in the final days of 2021. There are a few things that we must get taken care of before we lose the ability to control these final days. It’s a simple check list, but important none the less.

  1. Complete your business plan for 2022! If you don’t have this d
  2. ...
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Worth Fighting For!

Uncategorized Oct 28, 2021

As October ends, we face the stark reality that our year is about to conclude. For those in the mortgage and real estate world, it means there are about 30 days to generate an opportunity and close a deal that will count for you production and income in 2021. The calendar waits for no one! So, we mu...

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"Whatcha gonna do?"

Uncategorized Oct 21, 2021

We have all heard the theme song to the TV show COPS. See, the song already started playing in your head! Now just make a quick substitution: 

                  LOs, LOs; whatcha gonna do? Whatcha gonna do now that your rates ain’t TWO?

Inflation continues to push prices higher. Bond yields are re...

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Looking at 2022

Uncategorized Oct 14, 2021

It’s a very strange time for the country in general, the mortgage industry and real estate are not without their challenges as well. Some are directly linked to the other, some much more convoluted in their connection.

It’s not hard to see that rising inflation impacts everyone. If things cost more...

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Market Movers Everywhere

Uncategorized Oct 07, 2021

Now is an important time in our industry to pay attention to the numbers, the charts, and especially the political rhetoric on all sides. I don’t remember a series of potential market movers and known events all happening in the next week, but any or all of these could dramatically move the markets....

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Rising Rates = Opportunity

Uncategorized Sep 30, 2021

There is always an opportunity to be had in each situation. Rising interest rates are no different. It’s ironic that people aren’t as excited about 3.25% or 3.5% or 3.99% on the way higher than they were as they were when rates were falling to those numbers. It wasn’t that long ago when these number...

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