It seems like a very simple thing, but it is important for you to remember the power of your pre-approval as compared to others in your market. In the last few weeks, a number of my clients have been contacted by Realtors® and frustrated buyers when their “lender” couldn’t honor their pre-approval w...
One grain of sand does not a beach make; but without that first grain of sand, there is no starting point of the process that creates the beach. The same holds true for mortgage professionals in all aspects of the business. No one thing is everything in our business, but if you don’t start with that...
Credit has always been a significant factor in the home ownership process. Recent events have put that under a microscope and we must take notice of what it all means.
The shock to the mortgage industry and many of the programs, pricing, and support services have made credit and credit risk profili...
We are going into the second full month of coronavirus 2020 and never has there been a more important time to be sure your plan is in place and you are adjusting as your market conditions guide the way. Not all markets are the same, restrictions and personal beliefs vary widely, the importance of yo...
As we all share this common experience dealing with coronavirus and how the markets are impacted by it; it would be very easy to fall into the trap of negativity. With so many people’s lives being changed, with so much uncertainty, it is easy to see how this can happen. My message this week is to th...
We can only take so much bad news and negativity. We are all up to our necks with information overload, and most of that information is FALSE or purely negative! Just yesterday I was told by one of my clients that a “Realtor” in their market were telling people to take “advantage” of the “free money...
If there already wasn’t enough on our plates, a new pile of nonsense is being thrown our way. Many in the media and so called “experts” are telling people to simply call their lenders and go into forbearance on their mortgage loans. Some of these “experts” are telling people that it means that the m...
As mortgage professionals, we are used to change and adapting. Clearly those skills come in pretty handy right about now and are an important asset for our family, friends, and in our professional lives. With that in mind, I wanted to share the five things I am talking to my clients about this week ...
We have more than enough fear mongering going on for a lifetime. I just wanted to publish a post that was positive and constructive. As a mortgage community we are blessed to be adaptable. Rate changes, product and program changes, guideline changes, and people we come in contact doing some really w...
Stock & Bond Markets volatility, disconnect between traditional measures causing huge swings almost minute to minute, coronavirus, capacity issues, the political bias on reporting the “news”, and clients struggling to understand why the rates they are seeing may not connect with “news” they are hear...
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