Uncategorized Nov 08, 2023

I have talked repeatedly about how the FED continues to look at old data when making decisions about FED policy. We have seen this repeatedly how many of the indicators the FED relies on get updated and revised so that the initial data was almost useless. As we saw in the spring, the FED was looking...

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Buyers Beware!

Uncategorized Nov 02, 2023

A HUGE ruling in the lawsuit against how real estate commissions are split between a listing agent and the buyer’s agent may have a monumental impact on the future of real estate. Last Tuesday, a jury ruled in favor of the plaintiffs and set damages initially at $1.78 TRILLION DOLLARS! While we all ...

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Part 4 – Scheduling

Uncategorized Oct 26, 2023

Time is exactly the same for all of us. Some just make better use of their time than others! Many people are often confused by terms like “busy”, thinking that being busy is a good thing. Well, there is a HUGE difference in being “busy” and being productive! They are NOT the same thing, not by a mil...

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Part 3 – Connecting

Uncategorized Oct 19, 2023



Connecting creates opportunities. Failing to connect leads to failure. Connecting incorrectly is worse than not connecting at all, because it leads you to believe you are doing something of value but are wasting valuable time. As part of business planning for 2024 it is important to look at ho...

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Planning Step #2

Uncategorized Oct 12, 2023

Last week we spoke about the limited time left to get deals in that will close and get you paid this year. It is part of the overall business planning process I work my people through so they can close out the year strong and be building into the next year as they complete the current year. Last wee...

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65 Days left to get PAID!

Uncategorized Oct 05, 2023

October brings us into the fourth quarter of the year, the last three months to do all the things we set out to achieve. However, given the way our system works, we don’t get paid when we get the client to agree to the sale, we don’t get paid even at the point of sale, we get paid AFTER the transact...

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They’re Back!!!

Uncategorized Sep 28, 2023

They’re BACK!!! Remember those preapprovals that made a choice to stop looking for houses until the rates dropped and home prices went down? Guess what? THEY’RE BACK!!!

Each week as rates have continued higher and as inventory of available homes remains tight, those who believed the “experts” on so...

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The Fed wants more proof!

Uncategorized Sep 21, 2023

The Federal Reserve Board meeting is over and there was good news and bad news. The good news is that they didn’t raise rates and held them where they were as expected. The bad news, well, there was more than just a little bad news, is the comments weren’t as encouraging as many had hoped, and the F...

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Keeping up with the plan!

Uncategorized Sep 14, 2023

Reporting back from the street has been very positive when it comes to the reaction from accountants to the calls about tax extensions. These conversations have caused some meetings and a few immediate referrals, and we are just a week removed from the plan. It is very interesting to see how a simpl...

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Calling all Accountants!

Uncategorized Sep 07, 2023

September is upon us, and Labor Day is behind us; the only thing to do this week and that is to CALL ALL YOUR ACCOUNTANTS! Remember when I shared with you that you were supposed to be collecting accountants from everyone you spoke with when you did your 9’s and 10’s questions? We also talked about c...

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50% Complete

Two Step

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