Fed Shakes Things Up!

Uncategorized Sep 23, 2021

You always must pay attention when the FED speaks, yesterday the FED spoke and shook the markets. While the move was quick and sharp, the bond market was able to recover the steep loss by the end of the session. The reaction just proves why you must listen to the FED when they speak, and sometimes w...

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The $25,000 Challenge!

Uncategorized Sep 16, 2021

With about ten weeks to go in the “Production Year”, (loans that will close and pay you before 2022 arrives), I like to throw out a challenge. What can we do, just one simple thing we aren’t doing now, that will generate an extra $25,000 in commissions we can donate to local charities or to families...

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The Speed of Success!

Uncategorized Sep 09, 2021

I often get asked, “How long does it take to be successful in this business?” The next most common question is “How many hours do I have to work to be successful?” Both questions are the opening to a discussion that is different for almost everyone who asks it. The first question leads to my return ...

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Talk from the Street!

Uncategorized Sep 02, 2021

I wanted to share success stories from the street of real originators and managers who are using the strategies to improve the number of opportunities and create new relationships. It never gets old when execution leads to, or even exceeds anticipated results!

Running the bank route. In an effort t...

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End of the second Trimester!

Uncategorized Aug 26, 2021

Here we are at the end of August, two thirds of the way through 2021 and we have about 90 days left to generate opportunities that will pay us in 2021. The most important things to focus on are where you are now, and what you need to do to complete the year strong and move into 2022 with momentum. 

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There are no words!

Uncategorized Aug 19, 2021

As many of you know, August has always been a challenging month for me and my family due to the number of tragic events we have had to endure. One of the things that helped me get through those times, as well as the ongoing struggle to deal with the loss, has been the outpouring of love and support ...

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It's time to sprint!

Uncategorized Aug 12, 2021

It’s the middle of August, which means you have 90 days to get in front of everything you are going to close and get paid for this year. Silly as that sounds; it is the reality. We really need to get ready for the sprint to the wire that is the next 90 days and we can start with knowing where we are...

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It's all in the numbers!

Uncategorized Aug 05, 2021

First week of August and we get the July jobs report on Friday. Not likely to be a great number, but the FED has dismissed all the jobs misses so it shouldn’t be a surprise, unless the FED sees something new. I do think the inflation report next week is also likely to be a terrible number, but once ...

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Stop stressing, start scheduling!

Uncategorized Jul 29, 2021

So many times, people will ask me why some people are far more productive than others? Why some people are more organized than others? How is it that some people get far more done in less time than others? Well, to me the answer is largely that people who do more, are much more likely to be more sch...

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Special Back to School Opportunities!

Uncategorized Jul 22, 2021

2021 has been a far from typical year. As everyone tries to find what the new normal looks like, we all are trying get ourselves adjusted. As we approach August, we realize the next “new” hurdle will be getting everyone in the family on track with the new schedules and timing of all the kids going b...

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