The Six Things Highly Efficient Originators Do!

Uncategorized Mar 28, 2019

This time of year we all see the reports of all the organizations and magazines that “rank” originators based on dollar closed performance or units closed. While this may bring some interest in the mortgage community, it often is nothing more than a list of names and numbers that lack...

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Are You Worth More Than $11.35 An Hour?

Uncategorized Mar 21, 2019

When you are involved with as many loan originators as I am, you hear all kinds of stories and concepts about how to generate loan opportunities. I think over the last few years, so many people have focused on lead generation that they haven’t spent too much time looking at conversion rates...

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First Quarter Review!

Uncategorized Mar 14, 2019

It’s the middle of March and now is the time to do our first quarter review. Now is the time to pull out the business plan and compare projections with the results. It’s always important to calculate our results as percentage of business as compared to same percentages quarter to...

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Common Misconceptions!

Uncategorized Mar 07, 2019

When you coach a wide variety of people you can hear a great deal of perspectives. People believe what they believe because that is what they know, not always what is true. The world is full of people who have always believed what they believe and have never had cause or reason to challenge those...

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Why a "SHIFT" Can Be Scary!

Uncategorized Feb 28, 2019

So many stories, so much data, so much information; how do you dig through it all and know how it impacts you and your market? Well, some things are national in scope, like interest rates, some loan guidelines, some products and programs, and a large number of regulations. The key part remains,...

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So Why Can't We Just Do Our Jobs!

Uncategorized Feb 21, 2019

Anyone remember loan origination before the internet?

Anyone remember originators that would work the entire file from contact to closing?

 Anyone remember originators that would turn over nice clean, complete files into processing?

Anyone remember originators that closed eight, ten, twelve,...

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Happy Valentine's Day!

Uncategorized Feb 14, 2019

Today is special day for many people, some more than others. For me, it is also my wedding anniversary. 13 years ago, today my wife MJ and I were married at the Aladdin Hotel in Las Vegas at the same chapel that Elvis and Pricilla were married in. It was the last time anyone got married on...

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The Trend IS Your Friend!

Uncategorized Feb 07, 2019

Time to really pay attention to a possible trend that could make for a big opportunity for you in the months to come; and that opportunity is REFINANCES!

Yes, I said refinances! If you follow the rate market, you will notice that interest rates are approaching significant levels compared to last...

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Seven Simple Things

Uncategorized Jan 31, 2019

With a massive cold wave across the country and as some see record braking and life threatening temperatures, here are seven simple things you can do to stay connected with your business.

  1. Keep yourself safe and warm.
  2. Check on your friends and neighbors by phone.
  3. Call your referral partners and...
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Team Size

Uncategorized Jan 24, 2019

Yes, size matters! So much of our industry has focused on volume that we fail to look into profitability. Posting larger numbers of units closed and sheer magnitude of loan dollar volume seems to consume the industry, at least those in the “Jumbo Tron and blasting music” arena, that...

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Two Step

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