Hard to believe that we are already through the first quarter of 2025 and much of what is going to happen for us in the second quarter is already in the system or soon to be. Yes, wrap your mind around the fact that you can already see all of your first quarter income and a big chunk of that is already CLOSED!
Before you go crazy on me, I get that the first quarter of the year income wise is generally the weakest of all four quarters; but your business plan should have reflected that and now is the time to compare the outcome to what your projections were. You really have to take a hard look at your numbers because the time to make corrections in the plan is NOW! Yes, the next 90 days are likely to put in play about 2/3 to ¾ of all of your 2025 income! Think about that for a minute, what you do in the next 90 days will lead to about 2/3 to ¾ of all the money you are going to make the rest of the year!
So, get out your business plan and start checking the numbers. It doesn’t take long to run it all through and quickly look and see where you are ahead or behind schedule. That also applies to your VACATION SCHEDULE! Far too many of us fail to map out our vacations and often don’t take them, or fail to really benefit from the time, effort, and money invested! Make sure that at least one long vacation, 10 to 14 days is already booked, and all your long weekend vacations are targeted!
FED meeting was pretty much as expected and the markets continue the trend toward lower mortgage rates. It will continue to be a slow and volatile progression into the spring and summer, and as the new administration puts together the final touches on it’s plans, we won’t likely get a clear picture of the actual framework of budget and policies we will be working under, so keep that in mind. The overall direction of mortgage rates will be lower, but it won’t likely be as quick as many would want!
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