The Fear vs The Math!

Uncategorized Apr 08, 2021

Sometimes people allow fear to prevent reality in their lives. Sometimes people allow fear to paralyze them into inaction. I have always found it that if you look into the actual fear and find out why you are afraid, you sometimes see there is nothing to be afraid of.

We have seen a number of...

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Don't Be Fooled

Uncategorized Apr 01, 2021

If you look at the headlines being pushed by the media as a result of a report by the National Association of Realtors®, you would think that purchase business has ground to a halt. Headlines like: 

  • Home sales plunge 10.6%
  • Inventory down 29.5%
  • Interest rates are rising
  • Days on market...
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Helping set the stage!

Uncategorized Mar 25, 2021

Consumers have choices, so how do you stand out as the logical choice in your market? As always, differentiation often wins the day. My friend and longtime real estate expert Steve Harney would always say, “10% different is 100% better!” Since Steve helped build a hugely successful...

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Investor Opportunities

Uncategorized Mar 18, 2021

Strong buyer activity and the rate at which listed properties are flying off the market make it important to recognize opportunities when others miss them. Right now a real untapped market for opportunities is investors! Let’s take a look at a few reasons investors are now great targets:

  • ...
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The rules don't apply to some

Uncategorized Mar 11, 2021

The mortgage and real estate industries are bound by a series of rules, regulations, laws, and hopefully by ethics. While there has always been a few that have avoided or just plain disregarded the rules, most of those in the professions of mortgage and real estate have paid attention to the...

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Control what you can, accept what you can't

Uncategorized Mar 04, 2021

Change can be difficult, but it can also be an opportunity. New changes to the loan application form and the challenges that go with it are an issue for a large number of reasons. While any change in the mortgage industry is an issue, most recently TRID, you can always find a path forward.


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The Power is the Process, not the PRICE!


The fall in bond prices and the rise in rates continue. Awareness of things we control and those we don’t are now significant. Seeing the opportunity of the situation is critical!

We don’t control rates, but do control the process we provide and the value that process brings to those...

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Truth and Math matter now!

Uncategorized Feb 18, 2021

We have seen a real jolt to the bond market and pricing is trying to find a new level. This happens from time to time and those of us who have been at this for a while are prepared for the questions and reactions of our clients, prospects, and referral partners. A few simple things to...

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Crossroads are here!

Uncategorized Feb 11, 2021

In 2018 I traveled the country sharing with real estate agents and mortgage professionals my concerns of pending troubles approaching our industries. I tried to share and warn people about the growing trend of buying leads and building teams of people to call and message those leads one after...

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Why the need for a Buyer tax credit?


Lots of talk making its way through our industry and the public about a possible first time buyer tax credit. Some say possibly $15,000 is a number but nothing is even close to being on paper, much less a law. But as long as people are going to talk about this, why not have a really good look at...

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