We Get To Do Mortgages!

Uncategorized May 09, 2019

As often happens, the inspiration for this week’s blog post comes right from one of my coaching calls with one of my clients. As it usually goes, I start the call by asking each client about how their week went and what kind of activity they were seeing. This call was no different. The...

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Was It REALLY a BAD Month?

Uncategorized May 02, 2019

When you have the opportunity to coach as many loan originators as I do that cover a big cross section of the country and all possible housing markets, you often get different views of the same type of information, but you also find some things that are absolutely the same. Today, I want to have...

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Proactive Filters!

Uncategorized Apr 25, 2019

Every loan originator that has closed more than one loan understands how quickly they can become trapped in a world of reactive activity! I believe the main reason most originators don’t close more business is because they often are too busy to do more business! Being busy isn’t a...

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Build vs Depletion

Uncategorized Apr 18, 2019

For those that have followed this post for years, here is a reminder of something I have shared before. For those recent followers, here is an important concept that you need to be aware of and how to tie it into what is my ongoing reminder about tracking your numbers.

As we head forward into the...

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Part 3 - The Six Things Highly Efficient Originators Do!

Uncategorized Apr 11, 2019

I want to start out this week’s post by thanking all of you for the kind words and comments about the last couple of posts. It has been real fun for me to have the interaction with you and get to share some time with a few of you who are not clients, but followers of the posts. It’s...

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Part 2 - The Six Things Highly Efficient Originators Do!

Uncategorized Apr 04, 2019

In the March 28thpost I set the stage for the things I see that help originators optimize performance and enhance the customer experience. This week we will touch on the key points of items 1 through 3 on that list. Keep in mind, that all of these are gone into in great detail on the website: ...

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The Six Things Highly Efficient Originators Do!

Uncategorized Mar 28, 2019

This time of year we all see the reports of all the organizations and magazines that “rank” originators based on dollar closed performance or units closed. While this may bring some interest in the mortgage community, it often is nothing more than a list of names and numbers that lack...

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Are You Worth More Than $11.35 An Hour?

Uncategorized Mar 21, 2019

When you are involved with as many loan originators as I am, you hear all kinds of stories and concepts about how to generate loan opportunities. I think over the last few years, so many people have focused on lead generation that they haven’t spent too much time looking at conversion rates...

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First Quarter Review!

Uncategorized Mar 14, 2019

It’s the middle of March and now is the time to do our first quarter review. Now is the time to pull out the business plan and compare projections with the results. It’s always important to calculate our results as percentage of business as compared to same percentages quarter to...

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Common Misconceptions!

Uncategorized Mar 07, 2019

When you coach a wide variety of people you can hear a great deal of perspectives. People believe what they believe because that is what they know, not always what is true. The world is full of people who have always believed what they believe and have never had cause or reason to challenge those...

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