New Year, Old School!

Uncategorized Jan 04, 2023

Welcome to 2023! I am excited to enter this year with the excitement for our industry that many others are lacking but are searching for. It may just be my experience pointing me to the opportunities that are there for the taking, but I can’t help but feel optimistic about what lies ahead,...

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Short and sweet!

Uncategorized Dec 29, 2022

December 29th, just a few more loans to close to close out the year, and then close the books and start fresh with a solid head of steam into 2023. At least, that is what I hope you all are doing!

I have a few people who are doing open houses with their more engaged agents this weekend, I will be...

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The last Thursday before Christmas!

Uncategorized Dec 22, 2022

Some are already gone. Others will follow shortly. Some will be back on Monday or Tuesday, while others won’t be found until some time in January. The point is, if you have your plans all set and you are taking off until next year, have a great time and I will see you next year. However, if...

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Wrapping up the year & the presents!

Uncategorized Dec 15, 2022

We are less than three weeks away from 2023 and many of us are putting the final touches on loans that are closing in these last few days of 2022. Never a better time to be in the mortgage industry than this time of year. We can all be grateful for the vast opportunities to serve our communities...

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Before you call, what do you know?

Uncategorized Dec 08, 2022

It appears that cold calling Realtors is back front and center with those mortgage people who never learned how to establish and build relationships. The ads and clips on social media hyping the possible rewards of making “100 calls a day” to agents in your market trying to establish...

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Preparing and prioritizing for the holidays!

Uncategorized Dec 01, 2022

December can be very exciting as well as frustrating; it’s really a choice. With all the holiday celebrations, completing the old year while preparing for the new one can get very complicated if you don’t take time to prepare and prioritize! 

We deal with an overcrowded social...

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Happy Thanksgiving

Uncategorized Nov 24, 2022

My favorite time of the year and I wish all of you a very happy and healthy Thanksgiving holiday! For those of you that are taking the time to read or watch this, I hope is that it is worth your time. I will be quick today as I know you have other things to get to.

It was nice to see both rates...

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The Final Countdown!

Uncategorized Nov 17, 2022

We are a week away from Thanksgiving and that means it’s time to prepare for the final countdown of 2022 and the birth of 2023. With recent improvement in the bond market pushing rates lower, we are seeing improvement in those coming in to start the home buying process, as well as those who...

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Seven Weeks Left

Uncategorized Nov 10, 2022

The elections are done, the markets are sifting through the results and thinking about what it all means. The ten-year treasury auction was about as bad as it gets, and we get the CPI numbers this morning that will push the inflation issue to a series of new discussions. Then there are all the...

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You must do what others won't!

Uncategorized Nov 03, 2022

There are dozens of old sayings that apply in today’s market, you can pick from any of all that you like:

  • Everything works, nothing doesn’t.
  • The harder you work, the luckier you get.
  • If you do what you always have done, you will get what you have always gotten; but if you don’t...
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