It’s October, ten weeks left!

Uncategorized Oct 02, 2024

Welcome to October! So much to do, only ten weeks left to get it done to close out 2024 strong and roll into 2025 with a full pipeline! As you know, October has always been business planning month for me and my clients because you need time to do the work, set in place the strategies and schedules, adopt any system or technology changes, and push to close the year strong and build a pipeline for the year to come! Here is a quick outline of tasks to help guide you.

  • This is the last week to connect with your accountants and connect with those clients that are completing their tax returns to comply with their tax extensions.
  • Collect your year-to-date data and compare where you are to the projections you have made for this year.
  • Determine what has been working and what has not. What needs to improve or remove!
  • Prepare for your business planning session so you can build a clear set of priorities and targets so you can schedule your business planning session and build the plan so you can then schedule your way to success!
  • Map out the final ten production weeks for loans that will close in 2024 as well as build the pipeline that will get 2025 off to a great start.
  • If Halloween is your thing, you got to plan it, schedule it, and do it NOW!
  • With a likely continued decline in interest rates, you need to organize your own database and be sure to keep the message PERSONAL! No email or text blasts, individual client outreach because the discussion of refinancing may need to conclude with a move, not a modification!
  • The schedule in 2024 is NOT your friend! Christmas and New Years fall on a Wednesday this year so be careful to understand the scheduling challenges and time off that may create challenges and opportunities!
  • As always, if you need help with your plan, personal, team, branch or company; it’s [email protected]

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