Prepare for the wave

Uncategorized Jun 27, 2024

Preparation and planning are important ingredients in a successful mortgage practice. Far too many in our industry live their entire careers in reactive mode, and the stress and pain of always being behind the curve causes far more failure than it should. Right now, we are seeing the results across the country of those companies, branches, managers, team leaders, and originators who have failed to plan, prepare, and schedule themselves for success, and are now seeing that failure hitting their pipelines.

We have all heard the words that those who fail to plan, plan to fail; or those that ignore history are condemned to repeat it; but so many in our industry have ignored these famous quotes and are not prepared to succeed in the wave of activity that is out there or should be out there IF planning and preparation had taken place. I know this because there are people in the mortgage industry who are thriving because they were prepared!

I have stressed the importance of being aware. I point out things that may impact the markets and where the opportunities are being found by real people who are originating loans. The ability to overcome objections and deal with false narratives turns frustrations into opportunities. That said, you need to be prepared and aware of what those objections are, and why they are being presented. Each market can be different, but the reasons for success are in plain sight!

National news has an impact for sure, unemployment data and inflation information can certainly impact rates, and without knowing what is happening and why, you could be unaware or fail to share the big picture. Last week we saw how the price of gold verses the cost of homes and cars challenged the perception that homes are too expensive. We also have been hearing that “nobody” is going to get rid of a 3% mortgage to buy another house. If that is so, why are so many people doing it, not to mention the number of refinances taking place? 

Today we have unemployment numbers and GDP numbers, Friday we will see PCE data. All of these numbers may impact the market. Also, next week is 4th of July holiday; do you have all your EV’s done for next week’s closings; are your PA clients going shopping? Questions or comments: [email protected]


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