The power of persistence!

Uncategorized May 23, 2024

During a very painful time in my life, I was in a very bad place. A close friend of mine convinced me to go to a convention in San Fransico. I really didn’t want to go. I struggled with everything that was going on, but I made the trip. I firmly believed that that trip may have saved my life. At the very least, it changed it forever.

One of the speakers there was a man named Les Brown. I knew of Les but had never heard him speak in person. Believe me, being in the right place at the right time, listening to the right person deliver the right message, well, it can be transformative. I waited until after his talk was done. I gathered up the books he had for sale and waited until the very last person was gone when I asked him to sign the books and share with him my journey to this event, and how much I needed to hear his words and that he had made a difference in what would become the rest of my life! He listened, we both cried, we hugged, and he reminded me that “if you can look up, you can get up!” and as long as you keep moving forward it doesn’t matter how many times you get pushed back, the game isn’t over until you win!

I shared this because I had a few of my clients share stories this week about people they worked with that were long timers. You know, those clients you work with for months, maybe even years, and just when you thought it would never happen, they find a house, it goes into contract, everything goes as it should, and they closed on the home most people would never believe would ever get, but they did. They did because they kept going forward. They did because they had someone at their side, every step of the way, that supported the effort and remained committed to the outcome. People can’t all be the same. Each journey takes the time it takes. However, there are certain journeys that would never have been completed if there wasn’t someone who supported the vision and helped keep them in focus.

My clients know that some deals come together in days. Others take longer. The ones that take the longest may certainly not be the most profitable, but they very well might be the ones you are most satisfied with. I had Les Brown to believe in me. My clients have me to believe in them. Who are the ones you believe in? Just like I remember Les all these year later; just like I hope my clients will remember me; who will you believe in that will remember you? Teach and share the vision of persistence. Show those around you that it isn’t matter how long it may take, once you reach the goal it never matters how long it took to get there!

The game isn’t over until you win!

Questions or comments: [email protected]


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