Sharing the WINS!

Uncategorized Jun 05, 2024

Nothing helps perpetuate success as much as sharing the stories behind the success! People LOVE a great success story. People want to be inspired to try, and nothing is more inspirational than someone seeing a success story about people like themselves accomplishing something they would also like to accomplish!

Sharing success stories about HOW your clients succeeded in getting into the house of their dreams, how they overcame the challenges by following a specific plan and not giving up enabled them to cross the finish line a WINNER!

It doesn’t matter how ordinary or complicated. It doesn’t matter if they had closed in fifteen days or in fifteen months, the story behind each closed loan is an opportunity to share in the success of those around you. And it’s not just about the client; it’s about the referral partners, the agents, your team, and all the support services that may have played a role in helping that client WIN! 

My clients have been using YouTube®, LinkedIn®, Facebook Live®, and other social media platforms to share the real journey of each closing. Sometimes they use a video of the actual client and have them share their story, or they talk to the agent involved to help create the picture. In cases where people don’t wish to be recorded, the loan officer can simply share the generic story of the situation and how things came together to close the deal. It all depends on the comfort level of those involved. The important part is, to be sure you relate the story and how anyone can become a homeowner if they are prepared to do the work, execute the plan, and not give up on their dream, because as I have shared before, the journey only ends if you quit, or you WIN!

Economic news this week will be important to follow. ADP numbers were a bit weaker than expected. Today we get weekly jobless and continuing claims; and Friday we will see the May jobs report. We have been on a pretty good run the last week and if this data is weaker than expected or as expected, we could see continuing improvement in the rate markets. As always, know what is happening and when information has a chance to impact the rate market. Also, don’t gamble with rates, make sure your client has all the information and that THEY are making an informed choice. Questions or comments: [email protected]



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