Preparation for conversations!

Uncategorized Feb 20, 2025

For more than forty years I remembered the single most important advice I every received about generating opportunities; the words ring true to this day and likely well into the future: “You don’t have enough business because you don’t speak to enough people; if you aren’t getting the business you want, go out and talk to more people until you do!” 

Technology certainly has come a long way since I first heard those words. So many ways to connect to potential clients and referral partners. However, in the age of the internet and AI, nothing is more powerful or productive than actually speaking to another human being! While I certainly encourage using the technology we have available to us, those are just tools! Yes, there are some people who are happy to go online and work completely electronically, a vast majority of people at some point want to actually talk to another person!

The ability to personally communicate is what helps establish a connection to the people you serve. People love to work with other people they know, like, and trust! People also quickly forget you if you don’t stay connected to them personally!

So, plan your business around personal communication. Following up by text and email are certainly useful tools, but occasional personal phone call builds relationships and trigger opportunities you might never have seen because during those conversations, you gain an opportunity to discuss other potential people that may need your help!

It all starts with a plan! Before each workday begins, set a specific target for how many PERSONAL conversations you are going to have with clients and referral partners. Then, make those calls and don’t end your day until you have connected with that number of people. You may have to make 50 calls to have 20 conversations, but trust me, it’s worth it! You can control your business if you have enough personal conversations! Questions or comments: [email protected]


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