One hour a day = January pay!

Uncategorized Dec 26, 2024

Welcome to 2025! Yes, I know, we are a week away from the New Year, but none of us can do anything today that will result in a deal that closes in 2024. Obviously, I exclude deals that are already scheduled to close in the last few days of this year, I mean generating that referral, establishing a new contact, preapproving that new client, reaching out to those who want to make something happen now, that will lead to a future closing in 2025.

So here is a quick one hour a day task list of phone calls and possibly visits, you can make; or even some simple tasks that you can do that take an hour or less to do over the next four days – Today, Friday, Saturday, and Sunday, that can help you generate some valuable momentum heading into January 2025 and help you get PAID!


  1. Check the unemployment numbers to see if there is anything reported that can possibly move the markets or at least identify a possible trend.
  2. Put together a list of all your preapprovals that are actively looking as well as anyone you preapproved in 2024 that hasn’t closed with you yet.
  3. Put together the list of all the referral partners that sent you an opportunity in 2024.
  4. Establish a list of the referral partner targets you have for 2025


  1. Call the first ten people on your current preapproval list and say hello.
  2.  Call the first ten people on your preapproval not closed list and say hello.
  3. Call the first five people on both the referral partner and referral target list
  4. Identify any open houses this weekend and attend one.

Saturday & Sunday: Repeat steps #1 & #2 and visit the Open Houses you can.

Just a simple four-hour plan that can get you PAID in January; and likely BEYOND! Questions or comments [email protected]


50% Complete

Two Step

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