History Repeats!

Uncategorized May 30, 2024

So much of the mortgage industry is based upon simple rules like, it either works or it doesn’t, or you can either document it, or you can’t! We don’t make the rules, we just navigate each opportunity. The path to success is different, but always we strive for the same conclusion; a closed loan, satisfied referral partners, and clients that experienced an exceptional process. It doesn’t matter about the markets, the interest rates, or the type of loan programs that were involved, if you are aware of what the true mission is, history will repeat for you over and over and over again! Unfortunately, the same holds true when you don’t produce these outcomes and experiences, your poor results will also repeat! Those that don’t learn the lessons of history are condemned to endless failures, while those that do, will prosper knowing that it isn’t price that makes a career; it’s the PROCESS! Master your process and control your own success!

History also teaches us that our markets are framed by national rules, regulations, and pricing, but our individual environment shapes the when, where, and how business is transacted. Never is that more important than these 90 days from just before school closes, and a couple of weeks after school is back in session. That 90-day window can control as much as 70% of your annual production IF you have a plan and execute it well! The reason: those families trying to navigate selling, buying, and moving in a short window is about as stressful as it gets. If you can guide those families well, referrals, like history, will repeat!

Speaking of history, the bond market has been very unhappy the past couple of days and history tells us that it doesn’t take much to push it one way or the other. Especially given we have out regular initial jobless and continuing claims this morning, along with GDP numbers. Add in that tomorrow we have the PCE numbers, and we could easily see the good, the bad, and possibly the UGLY!

So please, be aware of the information and the impact on the markets both today and tomorrow. It may be completely benign, or we could easily see significant movement in one direction or the other. So be sure to check your resources for the information and be certain you are prepared for any outcome. It doesn’t hurt to be prepared for the worst, and then celebrate the best if that should be the case.

As always, questions or comments: [email protected]


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