Happy Independence Day

Uncategorized Jul 04, 2024

4th of July is celebrated in recognition of the signing of the Declaration of Independence and the formation of these United States of America from the British Empire. There were many things that led to this occurring and, if dealt with differently, might have led to a completely different result. As throughout history we can look BACK and identify specific things that took the world down one path verses another. Studying history allows us to discuss these choices and outcomes.

American history isn’t the only history we should be looking at today and the long holiday weekend. Our personal and professional history can be very helpful to review from time to time. While personal history is a much deeper topic than I can help you with here, a review of your own professional history can be very valuable.

Today we are at the beginning of the third quarter of this year’s business cycle. However, we also know that we can easily identify our projected production through the third quarter by just looking at our current pipelines. We can quickly compare these numbers against our business plan to check where we are in relation to where we expected ourselves to be. We also know that it is unlikely that any business arriving after November 20th will close and get us paid to count in our 2024 income. That means while we are just past the halfway point in the year, we only have about 109 days left to produce results that will add to our income this year!

The next three days are the start of those last 109 days. What will you do to be sure you have a plan in place to take advantage of each and every day? What calls will you make? What people and places will you visit? Even just one hour of specific effort this weekend can make a huge impact on your bottom line for 2024!

Many of you who read this are not where you want to be in your professional lives. Why not use the Independence Day weekend to help you achieve the professional independence you desire? History will show you if you are on the right path or if you need to make a change. If you need help with that plan for change, please just send me a message and we can talk. [email protected]


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