Tax time is TALK TIME!

Uncategorized Jan 23, 2025

In just a few days people will begin the process of completing their tax returns in hopes of securing a large refund. For many Americans, these tax refunds are the largest amount of money that they will see at any point in time. This makes it extremely critical that you share this very important information with your clients, referral partners, and other professionals that you are connected to. This information is so significant that it could literally change lives!

For many people, a tax refund check is just another chance to go out and buy something they want or need. Sometimes they have given this purchase a great deal of thought; while some realize down the road that maybe their choice may not have been optimal. The important thing to note here is the word CHOICE! 

Was buying a home included in the list of choices? For many, it is not! It is our job as mortgage professionals to share that possibility with as many people as possible, and that means engaging the public NOW! 

How many programs can help people buy a home with a very small about of money in hand? How many clients and referral partners are not aware of those programs? How would a few thousand dollars change the number of people who could use that money to go rent a house, but they never knew that the same amount of money could be used to BUY A HOME?

It’s just not first-time buyers either! Tax time is also important to speak with our accountant and financial planning partners. Reminding people that focusing on how and when they file their taxes could change their opportunity in financing a new home?

Tax time is just days away! Time for you to get very clear on your message and then get going communicating that message before you miss this critical opportunity to change people’s lives!

Questions or comments: [email protected]



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