Database & Marketing


Database & Marketing

Database and Consumer Direct Marketing is the last, but certainly not the least valuable component of the Referral Triangle. The ability to generate a client is only enhanced by your ability to service and nourish the client. Since keeping a client nourished with information and value over a lifetime is 5 to 10 times less expensive than to generate that client in the first place, then understanding Client Relationship Management is about the best thing you can do for the least amount of time and money. For as little as $6 a year, and with very little effort on your part, you can implement a strategy to keep the relationships you spent so much time trying to generate in the first place.

Failing to manage your database through exceptional value is the biggest mistake an originator can make. If you aren’t connecting, you aren’t closing! Needless to say, if you aren’t working with a great database tool, then start today!

Using Video

1 Lessons

Monthly video coupons can keep you connected, provide value to your referral partners, build your social media and internet footprint, and it’s simple and FUN!

Facebook Raffle

1 Lesson

Want to grow your Facebook® audience quickly and have some fun doing it? This incredibly simple and inexpensive strategy can get you from zero to Facebook® hero!

Working Trade Shows

1 Lesson

Either you aren’t working trade shows or you are doing it wrong! Find out how to really get the most out of a trade show today, tomorrow, and into the future!

Growing Your Database

1 Lesson

Everyone talks about it but how do you do it? If you don’t have a plan to accumulate and nurture your database through value, you really don’t have a database! It is some work, but once you are rolling it’s really very little to do and it’s FUN!

Annual Events

1 Lessons

Simple to do and one of the top ways to keep in front of your referral partners and past clients, as well as setting the stage for new relationships! One annual event can help do it all! Learn how to adopt a holiday and grow your referrals!

Refinance Strategies You Can Bank On!

1 Lesson

Refinances are always a part of your business. At certain times, refinances can contribute significantly to your bottom line with a minimal investment of time. Take a look at how working just a few hours a week can create huge opportunities.


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